Monday 2 November 2015

Thermomix TM5 review

Launched in September 2014, the new Thermomix cooker has aroused a lot of excitation.
 One year later, we can make an objective review of the Thermomix TM5

Thermomix TM5 review

Thermomix TM5 : The numeric era 

Thermomix TM5 is the last version of all-in-one cooker from Vorwerk. This kitchen appliance enables users to replace all their device with a single one. Indeed, you can chop, simmer, cook, bake, weigh your ingredients. It is deliver with a whisk, several mixing blades, a measuring cup, a steam basket, a spatula. A basic cookbook is included with every Thermomix which provides 182 recipes. 

The major improvement is the touchscreen included in the machine. This colour digital screen revolutionize the way of cooking. Your kitchen enters the numeric era. Thanks to this, there are less buttons and everything is control with it :  
  •  The different speeds
  •  The time 
  •  The weigh (with tare function) 
  •  The temperature 
  •  The navigation through the recipe chip 
The touchscreen is very sensitive, you can still use it even if your hands are dirty or wet.

The Thermomix is link to the recipe chip. In that way, the Thermomix will explain you, step by step, what you have to do and choose automatically the different settings such as temperature and time. However, the Thermomix is not connected to the web. It means that you only have the same recipes as in the books. Several keys are available. Other recipes are disposable in the mobile application or in internet. In this case, you have to follow the instructions and choose the settings by yourself. 

The TM5 has a handle at the top to facilitate the movement of the machine while cleaning it. The opening and closing are now automatic. So, the handling is simple and secure. The bowl and the steaming have also been enlarged to be more user friendly for big families. Be careful to not use the TM5 recipes with a TM31 Thermomix because the capacities are different. 

Thermomix TM5 Reviews

Review of the TM5 cooker 

The improvements 

Vorwek have made a lot of improvements for the TM5.
  • First, the design is modern and class. 
  • The main change is the touchscreen and it is a real success. This innovation provides a great deal of comfort during use such as the step by step process. 
  • A large number of recipes are already available via the recipe chip, the application and the recipe community. For some recipes, it is possible to adapt the quantity to the number of people. 
  • The functions have been improved, they are more precise (tare function, ingredients weighing, temperature). 

Areas for improvement 

  • It is unfortunate that Thermomix is not totally connected to the web in order to make all the recipes very easily.  Some competitors offer more efficient robots. For instance, the TM5 still has not the grate and slice functions. 
  • Moreover, the Thermomix still move a lot during use. Even if it is less noisy than the previous version, some improvements could be done. 
  • The holding capacity is sometimes too small for big families. 
  • Finally, the price has increase whereas it was already expensive. To buy the new TM5, you have to spend £1 084.

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